Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Yes Please I Would Like to Get Out of the Elevator First!

I have noticed something that really irks me.

The place I work might as well be the UN, because you can basically find every nationality under that roof. That's a blessing, right? Most of the times but not always. I am about to put on blast all people who are not of the American race (blacks and whites included), basically us foreigners. I can talk about them without getting fingers pointed at or being accused of being racist because I am one of them.

So, today in the morning, I happily got on the elevator from the garage humming to the tune "whistle while you work" because I was just too excited about another 8 hours spent in my cubicle nirvana. I like it when the elevator is empty because awkward 10 second silence standing next to john doe is just too much sometimes.

Anywho, I got on the elevator with a white a guy. I usually like going to the back of the elevator and just rest my back on the wall. Icky for you germophobes, but we breathe and eat them anyhow.

Akward silence ofcourse ensued in the 10 sec ride, as I tried to smirk while I was checking myself out on the elevator mirror. When we arrived on the main floor, white guy held the elevator for me to get out first!

Chivalry is still alive...well just in America and beyond dead elsewhere.

This is not just a one time occurance but it is something that happens on a daily basis. I have noticed most American guys will let a woman out of the elevator first while other ethnicities such as Africans, Indo-Pakistanis, Asian don't bother to do that. NEVER!

I am sure you feminisits will decry my need to be let out of the elevator first by a male as anachronistic and debuking the women's movement of equality, but oh well. I am not so much a fan of we must be equal because equity is more important to me. Equality would mean because I can get pregnant then the male species has to as well. And we know they could not handle that!

Point is foreign men....let women out of elevators first. It makes us feel good plus your mama taught you better. Oh and stop looking at us on the elevator mirrors because we can notice you checking us out!


PastelGuy said...

One thing that's so interesting about blogs is reading about other people's lives that are so different from ours. I enjoyed reading yours. As a white guy who holds the elevator door, thanks for the compliment...and the thanks (many don't even bother with that little nicety anymore!)... Oh, and thanks for visiting my blog!

Morgan the Muse said...

Hello. I was blog surfing (I actually found you through pastelguy, who has already posted xD) and stumbled across your blog. I found your blog enlightening. I mean, I am from the midwest, and I do not have a whole lot of experience with things outside of my scope. I love finding other people here, those who are vastly different and have experienced things completely alien to me, and yet are the same. You know? Anyway... I never know how to end a comment, so I guess... have a good day? Does that sound too silly? Anyway, I will check back sometime.

So@24 said...

I'm half Vietnamese and half Caucasian and I always open the door for ladies and let them step out first.

I think I should get credit